#Truth in Business #Truth inside your head
This story is repeated year after year. The thing is the victims already know the clock is ticking. It’s just a matter of time. The profiles are basically the same: people who have given up on people and turned to deadly animals for acceptance. #subconscious
Police officers found a 49-year-old man dead – and surrounded by more than 125 venomous and non-venomous snakes, held in tanks on racks.
If you were to resurrect them from the grave and conduct a one-on-one session about their perceptions and choices, they would tell you it was their fault. They moved too fast and frighten the snake, or waited too long to feed it and allowed it to become aggressive. Their subconscious mind (in its effort to comfort, protect and reassure us of our value) would not allow them to entertain the possibility that the snake had rejected them too.
Snake owner killed by his pet python.
This is very deep, very complex. Even more complex is the fact that we do the same thing. We allow our subconscious mind to protect us, to reassure us that the project failed because of someone else, that our business lost a key customer because the customer was too cheap and stupid to appreciate the value we brought to the table. #businessowners
I talk about this in “Fifteen Critical Insights For Business Owners Over Fifty (Hardcover)”. The subconscious mind is going to do its job. Our job is to disengage from the clutter of concocted rationale to discover the real truth.
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This is how you up your game.
– Leander Jackie Grogan –
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I Want To Read More About The Subconscious Mind.
read the full chapter on the subconscious mind and how it shields you from business truths.